The history of Wagyu in Canada

It dates back to 1991 where breeders looked to register their Pure Breed Wagyu animals and by 1994 84 animals had been registered in Canada. By 1992 through Japan’s exportation where hand-picked animals based on conformation on strength of the maternal pedigree of each animal.

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It dates back to 1991 where breeders looked to register their Pure Breed Wagyu animals and by 1994 84 animals had been registered in Canada. By 1992 through Japan’s exportation where hand-picked animals based on conformation on strength of the maternal pedigree of each animal. Canada sought ought in Japan the top Genetic Sires such as Uasufuku, Monjiro, Shigeshigenami, Kikutani, Tanifuku Doi, Dai 7 Itozakura and Mitsufuku.

As Wagyu is a six Billion Market place in Japan and considered a National Treasure they were very reluctant to export these animals. In 1993 the first and only shipment of fullblood left Japan to strat the breeding program in Canada. Our herd is based on this original shipment of fullblood 100% Waguy beef raised and supplied by VFL Wagyu. We raise our animals with pride and care and they are allowed to reach maturity naturally, we use no growth hormones to ensure the highest quality. We provide a safe, clean environment and we formulate our own balanced feeding program. The outcome is an exceptional finished product based on all natural feeding rations and rigid genetic standards that makes our world class genetic breeding at VFL Wagyu Beef and a culinary experience.